Can a car seat withstand conditions at the North Pole? - Роботы



Сюзанна, KUKA_Robotics_RUS
Добавлено: 02.04.2014 в 14:04
Продолжительность: 04:14

Car seats have to withstand a lot. The weight of the driver, for example, his movement while waiting impatiently at a red light, or extracting a wallet from his back trouser Furthermore, cars are being driven all over the world. Some are parked in the blazing sun of Arizona, while others are stationed in the frozen conditions of Siberia. What materials can withstand such conditions? To find out the answer, car manufacturers must subject their seats to rigorous load testing at all conceivable temperatures. Yet there is indeed a prime candidate for this job: the KUKA KR 210-2 robot. This robot has already taken up its first position at Volvo in Sweden.


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