Mounting of roller runner systems: Do-It-Yourself with Hettich

306 +1


Добавлено: 09.11.2012 в 11:52
Продолжительность: 01:09

Roller runners are mounted in two stages: First mount the roller runner's angled component underneath the drawer flush with the front panel. The drill holes for the cabinet part's screw-mounting positions are then marked on the inside of the furniture carcase. The exact positions depend on drawer lengths and heights, and are shown in the installation instructions for the particular runner. Once both parts of the runner are screwed in place, push the drawer into the carcase. A roll-out guard prevents the drawer from being pulled out of the furniture in everyday use. When installing a roller runner, always make sure you allow a space of 2 mm to the front carcase edge. This applies to all roller runners - regardless of drawer length. For more information, visit


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