Deburring of plastic engine covers with a KUKA robot - Обзор Kuka



Сюзанна, KUKA_Robotics_RUS
Добавлено: 02.04.2014 в 15:36
Продолжительность: 04:14

After the blow molding process, plastic parts have to have pieces cut out of them accurately, and often have to have holes drilled in them. The objective was to find an efficient automation solution for these tasks. The desired combination of a robot and a cutter was previously not possible for this application, since robots could only carry out exactly the path motion they were programmed with, and were not able to respond if the plastic part shrank or expanded. Rotating tools, on the other hand, would generate toxic fumes and considerable quantities of dust and fouling. For these reasons, a entirely new tool had to be found.


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