Evaluation of tibial hamstring graft fixation with a KUKA robot - Робототехника



Сюзанна, KUKA_Robotics_RUS
Добавлено: 02.04.2014 в 13:25
Продолжительность: 03:54

The working group led by outside lecturer Dr. Wolf Petersen at the Clinic for Orthopedic Surgery of the Christian Albrecht University, Kiel, conducted an experimental laboratory study for the biomechanical evaluation of endogenic knee ligament graft fixation techniques using a KUKA KR 125 robot and a universal force-moment sensor. The aim was to examine any alterations that could result from two different attachment locations and three fixation techniques at the tibia. Alterations were expected both in the kinematics of the reconstructed knee and in the in situ forces in the graft at varying loads. The chosen fixation techniques were an abarticular fixation with a clamp; a juxtaarticular, anatomic interference screw fixation; and a juxtaarticular, anatomic cross pin fixation with two bioabsorbable pins piercing the strands of the graft perpendicularly.

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