Handling of plastic wheels with a KUKA robot - Обзор Kuka



Сюзанна, KUKA_Robotics_RUS
Добавлено: 02.04.2014 в 14:24
Продолжительность: 03:00

At one time, the injection molding machines for polyurethane sheathing, used by Gross + Froelich to manufacture its so-called soft wheels for furniture casters, were loaded with polyamide cores manually. Subsequently the handling was carried out by linear units. Later, the user wanted to introduce a new product and to increase capacity, and therefore began looking for a more efficient automation solution. This would require short cycle times, in order to prevent delays in the manufacturing process and thus the associated rejects. This is because the injection molds have to be loaded with wheel cores as quickly as possible. If they remain open too long, there is a risk that part of the polyurethane will cool and have to be removed from the mold manually.


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