DATRON M10 Pro High-Speed Dynamic Tool Path - Станок с ЧПУ

520 +1


Добавлено: 26.08.2013 в 15:50
Продолжительность: 07:48

Visit for more info. This video shows various high speed dynamic tool paths and milling strategies for manufacturing parts with pockets and cavities in aluminum. The M10 Pro is also used to machine steel, plastics, composites and other non-ferrous materials. The M10 Pro features linear scales on all axes driven by larger motors and drives yielding a +/- 5 micron position accuracy and rapids up to 30 meters per minute. The addition of linear scales led to the development of a newly designed high-speed CNC control for 3 to 6 Axes. The M10 Pro has a direct-drive, liquid-chilled, 40,000 RPM spindle using HSK-25E tool holders with 1 micron run-out. With a gantry construction the M10 Pro has a maximized work area of 40" x 28" while only using a floor space foot print of 79" x 83". Added functionality like palletized work-holding and advanced probing is available for manufacturers looking to reduce set-up time and increase part quality and uniformity. The M10 Pro is positioned for applications requiring high accuracy and spindle speed such as defense, aerospace, electronics, energy, medical part prototyping and production.


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