General information on ball-bearing full extension runners: Do-It-Yourself with Hettich

172 +1


Добавлено: 09.11.2012 в 13:13
Продолжительность: 00:60

Ball-bearing full extension runners from Hettich give you unobstructed access to the entire content of your drawers. They result in no extension loss, making optimum use of drawer space. These precision runners guarantee smooth, easy action as well as high lateral stability, and the integrated soft-closing function available at DIY stores quietly and gently shuts drawers weighing up to 35 kg. To make it easier to find the product you are looking for in a DIY store, we have provided a letter-based guide system on our DIY packagings and on all related information material: in this system, ball-bearing full extension runners always carry the letter "F". The number following the letter F indicates the drawer length each roller runner can be used for. For more information, visit

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