The Wood-Mizer Difference - Part 2: The History behind the first Portable Band Sawmill

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Добавлено: 13.05.2013 в 16:56
Продолжительность: 01:07 - In 1978, the two inventors of the first portable band sawmill, Don Laskowski and Dan Tekulve, joined forces to manufacture their wood-working products. These inventions soon provided enough capital to develop and sell the Laskowski/Tekulve brainchild —a thin-kerf portable sawmill. With this innovation in 1982, the partners made converting logs to lumber a safe, one-person job, and Wood-Mizer was born.

Wood-Mizer sold more than 1,300 saw mills in its first three years. More models were built and features added like hydraulic log handling was introduced in 1987. To bring the mills closer to customers, Wood-Mizer opened its first branch in 1984 with others following shortly after. Band blades manufacturing was introduced in the late '80s, and the first ReSharp facility was opened in 1995.


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