Продам Diagnosis and repair of smoke exhausts в Hamburg

+49 (0) 451-370-87-7
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The collection of works in the repair of smoke exhausts primarily depends on the type of repair (capital or current), the type of smoke exhaust and conditions of work, the degree of wear and tear, and many other factors. But, nevertheless, there is a list of typical operations, which is mandatory for all types and varieties of smoke exhausts, performance of the repair data units.
Firstly, if the repair was carried out exhauster replacement of defective or worn blades - after the repair is required mandatory balancing smoke pump rotor. The most convenient way to carry out this operation without removing the rotor in bearings. For this purpose, the company "Balteh" offers maintenance staff of industrial enterprise operating various types of flue-gas pumps, a wide range of equipment for the control of vibration and dynamic balancing of rotors in their own bearings. This is the simplest Proton-Balance-II - vibration meter, tachometer-balancer, and a new device BALTECH VP-3470 with the possibility of spectral analysis of vibration signal, which allows to identify the different defects of the state of rotating equipment, and control the state of the bearings. For the most efficient use of vibrometer - balancer BALTECH VP-3470 the company "Balteh" developed software BALTECH-Expert. Program BALTECH-Expert allows you to:
• to create and configure a database of enterprises;
• Create measurement routes;
• carry out vibration measurements according to ISO 10816 standards, 25364, 30576, etc .;
• build a vibration trend;
• analyze the spectra and time-vibration signals;
• keep the minutes on the results of the balancing and alignment;
• process the data of thermal measurements;
• create reports on types of various diagnostic measurement (vibration, alignment, balancing).
Secondly, a large, if not the most important, value given in the repair of smoke exhausts of bearings. It is necessary to evaluate the wear of the bearing installation clearances and make a conclusion about the possibility of its further operation, if still bearing must be replaced, it is best to install on the impeller shaft of the new bearing using one of induction heaters from HEATER INDUCTOR line from "Balteh".
Third, after the completion of repair exhauster installed in place of the motor, coupling, and going there is a necessity of centering the rotor shaft of the motor and exhauster. To solve this problem the company "Balteh" suggests using a laser system for shaft alignment - "QUANTUM-LM". This is the latest development of the company "Balteh" for alignment of vertical and horizontal mechanisms of up to 0,001mm. With built-in intelligent function of the system allows you to perform the alignment process much faster and easier. In addition, smoke exhausts at repair is another handy feature, which is equipped with "QUANTUM-LM" - the ability to check the flatness of the foundation on which the induced draft fan. Using a laser system for shaft alignment will reduce the vibration levels on bearings smoke pump, reduce up to 15% power consumption, extend the life of bearings, couplings, gaskets and seals.
Very often the conditions of operation of flue-gas pumps caused by the specifics of the process, put forward to the increased maintenance and repair requirements, in addition, the gradual introduction of progressive forms of maintenance of equipment - according to the actual demand of dramatically increasing the reliability of technical diagnostics. To solve this problem the company "Balteh" offers a wide range of diagnostic equipment, with which you can do to ensure a comprehensive approach to the diagnosis of flue-gas pumps and various draft machines, for example in the framework offered by the company "Balteh" concept - "TECHNOLOGY RELIABILITY".
Meet the most comprehensive list of diagnostic equipment, which produces and offers its customers the company "Balteh" can be in the Training of the Center on scientific workshops in St. Petersburg, as well as www.baltech.ru site. technical service department of the company "Balteh" ready at any time to help any enterprises RUSSIA & CIS in matters of technical diagnostics and vibronaladki various draft machines.
Создано 27.01.2017 Изменено 27.01.2017