Продам шлаковый насос 12/10ST ZGB ZJ в Манаме
Hebei Huaxiong Machinery Co., Ltd
Россия, Владимирская обл., Золотково, No. 1, cottage,South of Lingtou Village, Xizhaotong Street, Changan District, Shijiazhuang city, Hebei Province, China
Детальное описание
Product Features
Type MSM,MSH, MSHH type pumps are cantilever, horizontal and centrifugal slurry pumps. They are designed for handling abrasive, high density slurries in themetallurgical, mining,coal, power, building material and other industrial departments etc. From cyclone feed to regrind, flotation and tailings, our slurry pump is the best choice.
The pumps of this type also maybe installed in multistage series.
The frame plate for type MSH pump such as interchangeable, hard metal or pressure moulded elasomer liners. The impellers are made of hard metal or pressure moulded elastomer elastomer liners. The frame plate liner. The frame plate liner and impeller for MSHH pump are adopted of hard metal only.
The shaft seals for type MSH/MSHH pumps may be adoptable of gland seal or centrifugal shaft seal. The discharge branch can be postioned at interval of 45 degree by request and oriented to any eight position to suit installations and applications.
Создано 17.05.2023 Изменено 17.05.2023