АНАЛИЗАТОР СПЕКТРА / БПФ / ДВОЙНОГО КАНАЛА - 10 МГЦ - 100 КГЦ, 90 ДБ | МВ-7200Portable 2-channel FFT Analyzer CF-7200A - Продам в Санкт-Петербурге

АНАЛИЗАТОР СПЕКТРА / БПФ / ДВОЙНОГО КАНАЛА - 10 МГЦ - 100 КГЦ, 90 ДБ | МВ-7200Portable 2-channel FFT Analyzer CF-7200A
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Санкт-Петербург (Россия)
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ONO SOKKI - CF-7200A Portable 2-channel FFT Analyzer

Возможна продажа за наличные средства.

Для поиска: анализатор вибрации, анализатор спектра, преобразование Фурье. Анализатор низкочастотных сигналов.


Компактный и легкий, на CF-7200 предлагает портативность и простота в эксплуатации, при этом сохраняя высокую точность вибрации и шума измерений анализа.

* 10.4" TFT цветной сенсорный монитор панели.
* Компактная флэш-карта памяти хранения данных.
* Голосовая Регистрация данных.
* Выход на наушники.
* Повреждение кабеля обнаружения (для CCLD-датчиков).
* Встроенный USB, микрофон, динамик и CF-карты интерфейсы.
* От 100 до 6400 спектральных линий.

In this easy-to-use FFT analyzer designed for modern needs, all aspects of the CF Series have been upgraded. With improved PC compatibility and a much smaller size of the main body, the CF-7200A delivers quick and easy measurement and analysis, yet with exceptionally high accuracy. Integrating all on-site needs into its compact body, the CF-7200A is a multifunctional high-performance analyzer that will become the de facto standard for the next generation.

Time-axis Waveform

Performs A/D conversion of the raw waveform of an electrical signal of vibration, noise, pressure, strain, etc. coming from a sensor and then displays the result as time-domain data. The Xand Y-axis values at any point can directly be read using the search cursor. The delta cursor function makes it easier to read the time difference and level difference.

Power Spectrum

The power spectrum indicates the magnitude of frequency components contained in a sampled time-axis waveform. Frequency analysis enables detection of abnormal conditions of a facility, which are difficult to estimate through measurement of vibration and noise level and observation of raw timeaxis waveform. The natural frequency of a structure can also be measured.

Frequency Response Function

The frequency response function indicates the ratio of output to input and the frequency characteristics of phase difference. The resonant frequency and phase of a structure can easily be obtained accurately by entering the signal of vibration force generated to Ch1 by an impulse hammer or shaker and then inputting the response (signal of acceleration, velocity and displacement) to Ch2.

Coherence Function

The coherence function is for evaluating the linearity and correlation of input and output of a transmission system, obtained in the frequency domain. The rate of contribution of the input signal to the output signal is represented as a digit from 0 to 1 for each frequency, for evaluating the reliability of the frequency response function, locating a key factor from multiple noise and vibration sources, and evaluating the correlation.

Inverse Fast Fourier Transform (IFFT)

After frequency analysis, a time-axis waveform of a selected band can be obtained again by performing Inverse Fast Fourier Transform (IFFT) for the selected frequency band. For example, by selecting a waveform portion excluding an unnecessary frequency band confirmed in the FFT result and then performing Inverse Fast Fourier Transform (IFFT) for it, a time-axis waveform can be obtained with the selected high frequency band eliminated.

Hilbert Transform

A logarithmic damping factor can be obtained by obtaining a time envelope of a time-axis signal by means of Hilbert transform.


Cepstrum is obtained by performing Fourier transform of the power spectrum again, allowing detection of the periodicity contained in the spectrum. In addition, reflected waveforms can be eliminated and fundamental frequency extracted by estimating a spectrum envelope from the Cepstrum. Cepstrum can be applied to make an analysis of the sound waves, seismic waves, biowaves, etc.

Tracking analysis (option:CF-0722)

Tracking analysis is effective for analyzing the noise and vibration in synchronization with rotational speed. This function enables analysis which rotational speeds increase noise and vibration, which rotating parts cause this noise and vibration, and how many times of the frequency component of noise and vibration to the rotational speed occur.

■Constant ratio tracking
■Constant width tracking
■Time tracking

Rotational tracking analysis (option:CF-0722)

Equipments with built-in rotating machines, such as engines and motors in products like automobiles and office equipments, may have serious problem when the resonance between rotational equipment of rotating machine and each components will occur. This rotational tracking analysis helps greatly in cases like this.

Создано 10.12.2021 Изменено 26.08.2024